onsdag 6 april 2011

Suzanne Collins, Gary Ross & Nina Jacobsson talar om Peeta & Gale.

Jag tror inte att jag är den enda som har märkt att många är missnöjda med valet av vilka som ska spela Peeta och Gale, speciellt på twitter har det haglat in kommentarer om hur Josh och Liam inte passar alls. Nu har Suzanne, Gary och Nina kommenterat detta, om varför de valde Josh och Liam.

“When I read the book, I thought Peeta would be the hardest role to cast, and I feel so lucky that we found someone who embodies every aspect of such a complex character. I can’t wait to work with Josh.”
- The Hunger Games director Gary Ross
“I was fortunate enough to be in the room with Gary Ross when Josh came in to audition. Three lines into the read I knew he’d be fantastic. Josh totally captured Peeta’s temperament, his sense of humor and his facility for language. I’m thrilled to have him aboard.”
- The Hunger Games author Suzanne Collins
“Gale is a young man who uses words very sparingly, so the onus was on the actor we cast to capture him by showing, not telling. This was accomplished so beautifully in Suzanne’s writing, and Liam was able to translate it so naturally to the screen. At the same time, Gale’s journey across the three books transforms him, and Liam’s performance left no doubt that he would take us there. ”
-The Hunger Games producer Nina Jacobson

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