tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Lyndsy Fonseca som Katniss? Hon har manuset!

Lyndsy Fonseca har fått manuset till Hunger Games filmen, enligt Next Movie's information från Comic Con i New York. Betyder detta att Lyndsy blir vår kära Katniss? Vad tycker ni, kan ni se henne som Katniss?

"Speculation regarding who will direct the adaptation for Suzanne Collins’ hit series, “The Hunger Games,” has already hit a fever pitch, but casting rumors have been kept at a pretty subtle whisper.
Of course, fans have been campaigning in all caps throughout the interwebs for some of their favorite actresses to land the coveted lead role of tough teen Katniss Everdeen. Among them have been Hit-Girl Chloe Moretz, Dakota Fanning, “Skins” star Kaya Scodelario and “Nikita”‘s Lyndsy Fonseca.
Well, believe it or not, we scored a little news during this weekend’s New York Comic Con…
Fonseca has the “Hunger Games” script in hand and will be reading it this week.
“I actually just got sent the script,” she tells NextMovie. “I haven’t read it yet. We’ll see. I’m actually flying to L.A. on Tuesday because I’ve been in ‘Nikita’ world – I don’t have any time off. But I have a week off now for the first time in two or three months and I’ve got a stack of scripts to get through. I know very little about it. I’ll talk to you after I read it.”
Needless to say, we imagine she’ll like what she reads.
What do you think – does Lyndsy have the stuff of a future Katniss, or should it be another star on the rise? "

3 kommentarer:

  1. Jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska tycka. Jag tycker att det är svårt att säga när dom inte har rätt kläder och smink på sig. Jag hoppas att personen som får rollen går in i den och gör den bra. För det skulle vara VÄLDIGT synd om filmen blev en flopp.

  2. Håller också med.

    Jag kan inte se henne som Katniss. Fast det är ju svårt att säga, som Linnea skrev. Hoppas det blir bra tillslut i alla fall!
