måndag 28 mars 2011
Ny sida!
Nu har vi skapat en sida där vi kommer lägga in kort info och bild på skådespelarna! Än så länge finns bara Jennifer Lawrence där men det kommer självklart att uppdateras allt eftersom.
Är Lucas Till våran Peeta?
Det har nu blivit bekräftat att Lucas Till har gjort ett sk. "screen test" för rollen som Peeta, han har alltså genomgått ett utav de sista stegen man gör på en audition. Men Till har också sagt att han inte vill ha för höga förhoppningar eftersom det pratas mycket om Hunter Parrish och Josh Hutcherson också.
Så, vad tycker ni? Är Lucas Till rätt person?
Så, vad tycker ni? Är Lucas Till rätt person?
söndag 27 mars 2011
Max Adler vill spela Cato!
Igår twittrade Max Adler att han vill spela Cato (från distrikt 2) i Hunger Games filmen. Vad tycker ni? Är han Cato?
lördag 26 mars 2011
Skådisar för rollerna Peeta och Gale testas idag!
Idag testar Lionsgate massvis med skådisar för rollerna Peeta och Gale! Spännande!!
De fem första testar man som Peeta, resten som Gale.
Klicka här för att läsa mer om dem!
torsdag 24 mars 2011
Hunger Games nämns i EW tidningen!
I denna veckans nummer av Entertainment Weekly finns det en artikel om The Hunger Games filmen! Det står mycket om Jennifer Lawrence såklart, men även lite casting rykten om Peeta och Gale. Twilight-stjärnan Robert Pattinson, som var omslagsmodellen för detta numret har även fått kommentera Hunger Games hysterin.
EW: There's been a lot of Twilight-like excitement about the casting of The Hunger Games. Do you find it amusing? Do you know the books?
Pattinson: I sort of came across it last year, and I didn't realize it was the most enormous thing in the world. It's good! It will be a good movie.
Entertainment Weekly,
Robert Pattinson
onsdag 23 mars 2011
1 år kvar!
Idag är det exakt ett år kvar till premiären av The Hunger Games - filmen! Själv tycker jag att det känns lite väl optimistiskt att sätta ett sådant kort datum när vi precis har fått våran Katniss.. Men vi får se!
måndag 21 mars 2011
Suzanne Collins om Jennifer Lawrence!
Många tvivlar på att Jennifer Lawrence kommer klara av att spela Katniss. Nu har Suzanne Collins gått ut och talat om för alla oss fans varför Jennifer är Katniss. Själv litar jag på att Suzanne vet vad hon gör. Det är hon som har skrivit böckerna och manuset, hon om någon vet vem Katniss är. Det handlar inte bara om utseende utan också om Jennifers talang. Jag tvivlade lite i början men efter att jag läst vad Suzanne skrivit finns det ingenting att tvivla på längre och jag hoppas att många andra fans känner lika dant!
Här är Suzannes uttalande!
Här är Suzannes uttalande!
Dear Readers,
We have found Katniss.
As the author, I went into the casting process with a certain degree of trepidation. Believing your heroine can make the leap from the relative safety of the page to the flesh and bones reality of the screen is something of a creative act of faith. But after watching dozens of auditions by a group of very fine young actresses, I felt there was only one who truly captured the character I wrote in the book. And I’m thrilled to say that Jennifer Lawrence has accepted the role.
In her remarkable audition piece, I watched Jennifer embody every essential quality necessary to play Katniss. I saw a girl who has the potential rage to send an arrow into the Gamemakers and the protectiveness to make Rue her ally. Who has conquered both Peeta and Gale’s hearts even though she’s done her best to wall herself off emotionally from anything that would lead to romance. Most of all, I believed that this was a girl who could hold out that handful of berries and incite the beaten down districts of Panem to rebel. I think that was the essential question for me. Could she believably inspire a rebellion? Did she project the strength, defiance and intellect you would need to follow her into certain war? For me, she did.
Jennifer’s just an incredible actress. So powerful, vulnerable, beautiful, unforgiving and brave. I never thought we’d find somebody this amazing for the role. And I can’t wait for everyone to see her play it.
Thank you all for sharing in this journey and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Suzanne Collins
Suzanne Collins
söndag 20 mars 2011
Hunter Parrish som Peeta?
E! Online har pratat med Hunter Parrish. Hunter har träffat producenterna för The Hunger Games men har inte läst manuset. Självklart är det rollen för Peeta som Hunter är intresserad av. Han får mycket stöd från sina fans på twitter och innan det blev officiellt att Jennifer Lawrence ska spela Katniss sa han att om det blir hon vill han gärna spela mot henne!
Läs mer här
While Parrish says he hasn't seen a script for the film based on Suzanne Collins' bestselling novel trilogy, he has gotten lots of support from fans of the franchise on Twitter wanting him to nab the part.
"You don't get much better than that," he said. "The true fans of the book. So regardless of whether I'm a part of the film or not, I feel honored to just sort of be thought of. I read the books all last year, and I guess they're starting filming soon."
Läs mer här
Hunger Games-inspirerad musik av Rachel Macwhirter
rachel macwhirter,
Alex Carpenter sjunger låtar om Hungerspelen!
Vi har blivit tipsade om en kille som sjunger låtar om Hungerspelen! Han heter Alex Carpenter och har fem låtar på Spotify. "Freedom in Panem" heter albumet! Lyssna här!
Tack för tipset Linnea!
Tack för tipset Linnea!
alex carpenter,
freedom in panem,
lördag 19 mars 2011
Fanart: Jennifer Lawrence som Katniss
Många har kritiserat Jennifer Lawrences utseende för rollen som Katniss. Man säger att man kommer att vara tveksam på Jennifer tills dess att man får se henne omgjord till Katniss, med hår och smink mm.
Här kommer då lite fanart som kanske kan övertala!
Här kommer då lite fanart som kanske kan övertala!
jennifer lawrence,
Gary Ross pratar om sitt beslut att välja Jennifer Lawrence som Katniss
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: When did you know Jennifer Lawrence was your Katniss?
GARY ROSS: First I saw Winter’s Bone, and I just thought she was phenomenally talented and just kind of riveting and amazing and had so much power. And then we had a meeting and I found her to be just a completely compelling, intelligent person. But then she came in and read for me and it just knocked me out. I don’t want to go into too many details, but we did a scene from the movie and it was so amazingly powerful that it was sort of stunning. You glimpsed every aspect of the role and the potential of the whole movie.
GARY ROSS: First I saw Winter’s Bone, and I just thought she was phenomenally talented and just kind of riveting and amazing and had so much power. And then we had a meeting and I found her to be just a completely compelling, intelligent person. But then she came in and read for me and it just knocked me out. I don’t want to go into too many details, but we did a scene from the movie and it was so amazingly powerful that it was sort of stunning. You glimpsed every aspect of the role and the potential of the whole movie.
There’s already quite a bit of hand-wringing that, no matter how good an actress Lawrence is, at 20 she’s simply too old for the role.
First of all I talked to Suzanne extensively about this. Suzanne saw every single audition. And not only did Suzanne not have an issue with Jen’s age, she felt you need someone of a certain maturity and power to be Katniss. This is a girl who needs to incite a revolution. We can’t have an insubstantial person play her, and we can’t have someone who’s too young to play this. Suzanne was incredibly adamant about this. Far from being too old, she was very concerned that we would cast someone who was too young. In Suzanne’s mind, and in mine, Katniss is not a young girl. It’s important for her to be a young woman. She’s a maternal figure in her family. She’s had to take care of Prim and in many ways her mother since her father’s death. She’s had to grow up pretty quick.
First of all I talked to Suzanne extensively about this. Suzanne saw every single audition. And not only did Suzanne not have an issue with Jen’s age, she felt you need someone of a certain maturity and power to be Katniss. This is a girl who needs to incite a revolution. We can’t have an insubstantial person play her, and we can’t have someone who’s too young to play this. Suzanne was incredibly adamant about this. Far from being too old, she was very concerned that we would cast someone who was too young. In Suzanne’s mind, and in mine, Katniss is not a young girl. It’s important for her to be a young woman. She’s a maternal figure in her family. She’s had to take care of Prim and in many ways her mother since her father’s death. She’s had to grow up pretty quick.
In the books, Katniss is described as being olive-skinned, dark-haired, possibly biracial. Did you discuss with Suzanne the implications of casting a blonde, caucasian girl?
Suzanne and I talked about that as well. There are certain things that are very clear in the book. Rue is African-American. Thresh is African-American. Suzanne had no issues with Jen playing the role. And she thought there was a tremendous amount of flexibility. It wasn’t doctrine to her. Jen will have dark hair in the role, but that’s something movies can easily achieve. [Laughs] I promise all the avid fans of The Hunger Games that we can easily deal with Jennifer’s hair color.
Suzanne and I talked about that as well. There are certain things that are very clear in the book. Rue is African-American. Thresh is African-American. Suzanne had no issues with Jen playing the role. And she thought there was a tremendous amount of flexibility. It wasn’t doctrine to her. Jen will have dark hair in the role, but that’s something movies can easily achieve. [Laughs] I promise all the avid fans of The Hunger Games that we can easily deal with Jennifer’s hair color.
Have you had conversations with her about the enormity of stepping not just into a franchise like this, but a character that is already so beloved by the world? How do you prepare a young person for that?
Oh god, have you ever met her? [Laughs] Don’t worry about Jen Lawrence. She’s a very powerful person. Jennifer is from Kentucky. I think she feels such a complete connection to who Katniss is, the way many people do, but this just seems like a very good fit to her. I think she’s very confident about the role, I think it feels very organic to her. She’s ready to dive in. She goes to archery class next week. Yeah, she’s going to start shooting arrows next week! I think by the end of the week she’s going to be learning to climb trees. She’s a very strong, confident young woman. She’s very confident in her own talent and who she is as a woman, and I think that all these things make her want to dive into the role.
Jennifer Lawrence svarar på tre frågor!
Entertainment Weekly har ställt tre frågor till Jennifer Lawrence, vår nya Katniss!
What scene from the three books made you the most excited to play Katniss?
I don’t think a particular scene made me excited to play Katniss, the entire book made me want that. That being said, I’ve never shot a bow and arrow, so that’ll be cool.
I don’t think a particular scene made me excited to play Katniss, the entire book made me want that. That being said, I’ve never shot a bow and arrow, so that’ll be cool.
What character besides Katniss are you fondest of, and what is it about them you love?
Peeta. He’s good and nice in a world that’s harsh and unkind.
Peeta. He’s good and nice in a world that’s harsh and unkind.
What heroines from movies past do you think have some of Katniss’ fighting spirit?
Sigourney Weaver’s “Ripley” in Alien is the first that comes to mind.
Sigourney Weaver’s “Ripley” in Alien is the first that comes to mind.
torsdag 17 mars 2011
Stora nyheter!!! De senaste dagarna har man pratat mycket om Jennifer Lawrence som Katniss. Och för bara några minuter sedan bekräftade Lionsgate, att det stämmer!
Jennifer Lawrence, 20 år gammal, kommer att spela huvudrollen Katniss!
Jennifer Lawrence, 20 år gammal, kommer att spela huvudrollen Katniss!
A long casting search has officially come to an end. After weeks and months of feverish speculation over which young actress would land the coveted role of Katniss Everdeen, Lionsgate Entertainment has exclusively confirmed to MTV News that the "Winter's Bone" actress has officially signed on for the lead role in "The Hunger Games," director Gary Ross' adaptation of the fan-favorite novel series from writer Suzanne Collins.
"Jennifer’s just an incredible actress. So powerful, vulnerable, beautiful, unforgiving and brave," Collins said of the casting in an official statement. "I never thought we’d find somebody this perfect for the role. And I can’t wait for everyone to see her play it.”
Vad tycker ni? Ålder, utseende och själva skådespeleriet?
Jag är ärligt talat bara glad över att böckerna blir film! En trygghet är även att Suzanne Collins själv verkar så säker på Jennifer. Då kan det ju inte riktigt gå fel!
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