fredag 29 oktober 2010

Catching Fire ligger etta på Teens' Top Ten 2010

Teens' Top Ten 2010 är typ en lista där ungdomar i USA röstar på sin favoritbok! Catching Fire (Fatta eld) kom på första plats! Härligt!

More than 8,000 teens voted in the 2010 Teens' Top Ten, with Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins topping the list.
The Teens' Top Ten 2010 is:
1. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
2. City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
3. Heist Society by Ally Carter
4. Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater
5. Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
6. Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
7. Along for the Ride by Sarah Dessen
8. If I Stay by Gayle Forman
9. Fire by Kristin Cashore
10. Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
Teens' Top Ten is a "teen choice" list, where teens nominate and choose their favorite books of the previous year! Nominators are members of teen book groups in fifteen school and public libraries around the country


Dreamcast från ReelzChannel

ReelzChannel  jobbade ihop med några HG fansites, för att diskutera dreamcast för filmen. Jabberjays och HungerGamesTrilogy fick fram de populäraste förslagen i sina kommentarer och dessa blev det:

Mia Wasikowska som Katniss

Drew Roy som Gale

William Moseley som Peeta

Chloe Moretz som Prim

Johnny Depp som Haymitch

MTV intervjuar Malese Jow om rollen som Katniss

Malese Jow är en av de skådisar som många fans vill ha som Katniss. I denna intervjun med MTV, står det en del om hur hon känner för böckerna och varför hon borde spela Katniss.

There have been reports of scripts being sent out for the role of Katniss. Have you been approached or are you looking into the part?
I've heard that there are scripts floating around. My agent and manager are working as hard as they can. I would definitely like a fair shot at this. I feel like I would be great for Katniss, so I would love to go out for it.
Have you had a chance to read all of the books?
I've read all of them! Besides wanting the role, I'm just a die-hard fan of the books. Suzanne [Collins] did a great, great, great job by keeping me engaged in all three. I'm a "Harry Potter" fan, a "Twilight" fan, and I think "The Hunger Games" surpasses them all.
That's a bold statement!
I know! I really enjoyed it. I liked that it wasn't too saturated in romance or having someone have a superpower. It was real people, real fighting and real struggles, and the fact that it was in the future is very captivating. It's just real. I like it.
Did you have a favorite book in the series?
Oh, man. They were all really good in their own way. You really see Katniss just have an internal makeover throughout each book. "Catching Fire" was really, really good, and "Mockingjay" just made me really sad. But as far as catching my attention, "Hunger Games" has a special place in my heart because that's what caught me initially.
Why do you think you would be good for the part of Katniss?
I'm going to sound like I'm tooting my own horn! Looks-wise, I think I'm good for it. When people first meet me, they're always like, 'What are you?' as far as ethnicity. And I've been pegged as 'ethnically ambiguous.' I think the years the "Hunger Games" takes place, everyone is going be ethnically ambiguous. Everyone is going to have some exotic flavor to them. Slap some gray contacts on me, and I'm good to go.
As far as portraying Katniss and her strength, I feel like with "Vampire Diaries," I got a lot of experience dabbling in that, and proving to people that I could pull that off. And I've grown so much since then. So I can only imagine what I could do if I was presented with the role of Katniss. I would do my absolute best. I would give it 2,000 percent for everyone. I know there are some die-hard fans out there.
Do you visit the fan sites?
I don't have to go out and look for it. On Twitter and stuff, people have petitions going on that I see by default—things that are sent to me saying, 'Oh my gosh! I want you as Katniss.' The fan support for that is great. I feel like, online, I'm a pretty strong contender as far as who the fans want as Katniss, which is very encouraging. I think when it comes to something like this, a book series being turned into a movie, I think the people behind it should look to the fans and who they want. They're the ones who've read it. They know Katniss; they know her personally. And for them to have favorites, that should definitely be considered.
Have you put any thought into who would be good in the movie's other roles?
My sister is a big fan, and I know she [chuckles] likes Alex Pettyfer for Peeta.
Oh, Alex is so dreamy.
Yes, he is very attractive. But like I said, for casting, I don't have anyone in particular, but I really hope they do go for more exotic looks for everyone, not what everyone would think at first.

Fanart: The cave av Smirks_works

Smirks_works på Livejournal har gjort en jättefin manipulation av grottan i Hungerspelen. Fanart som denna får mig att längta så mycket till filmen!


söndag 24 oktober 2010

Tyra Banks läser The Hungergames!

Tyra Banks twittrade det här för några dagar sedan, coolt? Ja!

lördag 16 oktober 2010

Fanart av Greendesire på DA

Vacker fanart av Greendesire på! 

Jodelle Ferland om Hungerspelen

Jodelle Ferland är skådis, med i bl.a. The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, och är fan av Hunger Games böckerna. Fans har ofta föreslått Jodelle som Katniss! The Hunger Games Examiner hade nyligen en intervju med henne.

The Hunger Games Examiner: How did you first discover The Hunger Games? What about the books do you love so much? 
Jodelle Ferland: I saw an article about who should play Katniss, and I'd never heard of the books before, so I looked them up. The storyline seemed interesting and I really wanted to read them, but I didn't think about it again until I was at the Eclipse premiere and a fan said, "Would you like to play Katniss?" When I was at the airport waiting for my flight home, I found a bookstore and bought the first book. I finished it by the end of the day. It was AMAZING, I absolutely fell in love with it. I really enjoy books with a lot of action and suspense, and The Hunger Games definitely has a lot of that. Of course, there's the romantic aspect as well, which kept me dying to know who Katniss would choose and constantly trying to figure out if I like Gale or Peeta better. But there's not so much of it that you're thinking, really, she's only 16, this is ridiculous. After I read The Hunger Games, I went out and got Catching Fire the next day. It was just as fabulous as the first book, if not more. Waiting for Mockingjay to come out was terrible, but completely worth it. Overall, this is one of my favourite series of books I've ever read. 
Läs resten av intervjun här på!

Chloe Moretz som Katniss?

Här är ett kort klipp med Chloe Moretz från MTV där de pratar om rollen som Katniss. MTV verkar vara rätt peppade på att Chloe ska spela Katniss, men majoriteten av fansen håller inte med. Vad tycker ni om Chloe som Katniss, ålder- och utseendemässigt?

Dreamcast: Cinna

Källor: Bild1 Bild2

Cinna är Katniss stylist, det är han som "skapar" hennes smeknamn - The girl on fire. Cinna ser rätt vanlig ut om man jämnför med annat folk från huvudstaden. Det enda han har är guldig eyeliner som framhäver hans ögon. Det står också i boken att han är brunhårig!

Vad tycker ni om Ian Harding som Cinna i filmen? Vi tycker att han passar perfekt! Ian Harding har bland annat varit med i Pretty Little Liars där han spelar läraren Ezra Fitz!

Entertainment Weekly: Dreamcast

EW har ännu en artikel om Hungerspelen! De skriver om att HG kan bli nästa Twilight, och de har sin egna dreamcast! EW har alltså läst en tidig version av manuset och de pratar även om vilken ålder filmen kommer vara lämplig till. Producent Nina Jacobson säger att de enda som denna bok inte är till för är de under 12 och samma gäller för filmen. 


Kaya Scodelario, Lyndsy Fonseca eller Chloe Moretz?

Ständiga spekulationer om vem som ska spela Katniss! Entertainment Weekly har skrivit om tre omtalade skådisar som många önskar. Det som dock inte stämmer i artikeln är att Kaya har påståtts ha läst manuset, vilket bara var ett missförstånd.

Who will play the girl on fire? It’s still early in the casting process for the upcoming movie adaptation of The Hunger Games, but there are already some names popping up in connection with the much-desired lead role of Katniss Everdeen. The heavily fan-toutedSkins actress Kaya Scodelario apparently tweeted yesterday that she had received “a certain script for a film based on a book,” referring to the Suzanne Collins-penned screenplay. The tweets were later deleted, but a screen capture can be found here. Additionally, Lyndsy Fonseca of Kick-Ass and Nikita told NextMovie at New York Comic Con that she was also sent the script. Not to toot our own Magic 8-Ball—it usually just says “Ask Again Later”—but this means that for now it’s basically EW’s pick vs. EW readers’ pick.
Except…there are rumors abounding that Fonseca’s Kick-Ass co-star Chloe Moretz is lobbying for the part as well, which puts the age range of our potential Katnisses from 13 all the way to 23. Clearly there’s still a ways to go before we find out definitively who will be notching her first arrow as The Hunger Games heroine, but what do you think of the options so far? Is Moretz too young? Fonseca too old? Scodelario too just right? All three are hoping the odds will be ever in their favor, but there can only be one Katniss Everdeen. Who gets your vote?

fredag 15 oktober 2010

Kaya Scodelario har INTE manuset.

Trots tidigare rykten visar det sig nu att Kaya inte har fått manuset, hon har inte heller läst det. Men både Kaya och hennes medarbetare är väldigt glada över all support från fans som vill att hon ska spela Katniss! :)

tisdag 12 oktober 2010

Kaya Scoldelario har manuset och tackar fansen!

Även Kaya Scoldelario har fått manuset av Hunger Games filmen, och via twitter tackar hon fansen som har uppmärksammat henne som förslag. Hon säger att hon gillar det, men det låter som att hon inte tror hon kommer få rollen. Hon har varit en stor favorit hos fansen sedan start, men vi får se hur det blir!
Läs tweetsen nerifrån och upp.

Lyndsy Fonseca som Katniss? Hon har manuset!

Lyndsy Fonseca har fått manuset till Hunger Games filmen, enligt Next Movie's information från Comic Con i New York. Betyder detta att Lyndsy blir vår kära Katniss? Vad tycker ni, kan ni se henne som Katniss?

"Speculation regarding who will direct the adaptation for Suzanne Collins’ hit series, “The Hunger Games,” has already hit a fever pitch, but casting rumors have been kept at a pretty subtle whisper.
Of course, fans have been campaigning in all caps throughout the interwebs for some of their favorite actresses to land the coveted lead role of tough teen Katniss Everdeen. Among them have been Hit-Girl Chloe Moretz, Dakota Fanning, “Skins” star Kaya Scodelario and “Nikita”‘s Lyndsy Fonseca.
Well, believe it or not, we scored a little news during this weekend’s New York Comic Con…
Fonseca has the “Hunger Games” script in hand and will be reading it this week.
“I actually just got sent the script,” she tells NextMovie. “I haven’t read it yet. We’ll see. I’m actually flying to L.A. on Tuesday because I’ve been in ‘Nikita’ world – I don’t have any time off. But I have a week off now for the first time in two or three months and I’ve got a stack of scripts to get through. I know very little about it. I’ll talk to you after I read it.”
Needless to say, we imagine she’ll like what she reads.
What do you think – does Lyndsy have the stuff of a future Katniss, or should it be another star on the rise? "

fredag 8 oktober 2010

Fanmade Trailer!

Fick ett anonymt tips om en fanmade trailer:

Fick rysningar när jag såg den, riktigt bra!

onsdag 6 oktober 2010

måndag 4 oktober 2010

Dreamcast: Haymitch


Robert Downey Jr som Haymitch, vad tycker ni?

lördag 2 oktober 2010

The Hunger Games: Goodbyes i Sims 2 av Pumpkinsatthedisco

Jag älskar dessa fanmade videos av Hungerspelen i Sims 2. Man får en bild av hur saker kan komma att se ut i filmen, se hur andra har föreställt sig allt. Det är roligt efter de följer böckerna så noga, men både repliker och miljö. Vissa saker har man sett exakt som det är visat i dessa videos av Pumpkinsatthedisco på Youtube, vilket är coolt!

Visst är det fint när hon får the Mockingjay pin och att de tog med historien bakom det också! Gillar också hur man ser Gale säga "i love you" efter att dörrarna stängs framför de, vilket vi inte får höra i boken.

Fanart: If Peeta dies och In the cave av Burdge-bug

Fick ett tips av läsare om fanart av Burdge-bug på Devianart. Och imponerande var det - tack för tipset Astrid!

Kaya Scoldelario om att hon vill gå på audition för Katniss

Kaya Scoldelario är med i nästan varje dreamcast och fanmade trailers. Nyligen skrev hon på sin Twitter att hon gärna skulle gå på en audition för Katniss. Goda nyheter för de som hoppas på henne till filmen!

Källa, källa